
summarizer will make your dreams come true

    Introduction. in the life to come we are all required to be smart and efficient.. therefore we must prepare the right strategy quickly and straightforwardly to achieve a peaceful and peaceful life.. in this discussion we offer the right project for strategic planning in undergoing future life. It is a fully automated newspaper. Summarizer aims to make your daily news shorter by utilizing AI. Its bots crawl the web for news, summarize them, and then sort them into categories. What is SUMMARIZER ? Summarizer is exclusive to $SMR holders. You won't have to pay anything, just simply holding $SMR to read Summarizer contents. At any time, you decide to stop reading Summarizer, you can just sell your $SMR back to the market. The algorithm we use TextRank is an unsupervised algorithm for the automated summarization of texts that can also be used to obtain the most important keywords in a document. The algorithm applies a variation of PageRank over a graph constructed specifically...

Plastic finance for your life

plastic finance will improve your future Intro:  we all know our earth is dying.  even if we don't do anything we are the same as letting our future generations live in gloom.  therefore.  let's rebuild our earth for the future of the next generation Let’s take a look at how Plastic can be recycled with a noble endeavour. Plastic Finance is Indonesia's first blockchain-based Plastic-type bank. Alleviate garbage collectors from poverty. Give bank loan access to the poor's through Defi. Plastic Finance will develop access to employment, education, services, and technology for many Indonesians. Also, it will help the government to achieve green planning or ecology-based budgeting through soil upkeep. Clean the atmosphere while profiting through it at the particular same time. Plastic Finance  offers a good environment, social plus governance called Electronic. S. G concept investing using cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. 1 PLAS token at a market cost equ...

birb is the key to success in the future

  In times that are all confusing like now we are demanded to be careful in everything.  Determining a better future is everyone's desire. Overview: What is Decentralized Finance? Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi, is a fast-growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry. While cryptocurrency coins create a decentralized store of value separate from any government-backed fiat currency, DeFi creates decentralized financial instruments separate from traditional centralized institutions. Most DeFi platforms take the form of decentralized apps, known as dapps. These dapps use a series of smart contracts to automate financial transactions, making them faster, more efficient, and often more affordable than their centralized counterparts. Likewise, because dapps are governed by computer code, which is inherently neutral, there is no issue of bias. What is a Deflationary token? If the   total circulating supply of a token is constantly being reduced to the predetermined am...

Non fungible defi (NFD) token. For your life

  as a form of readiness to face an increasingly turbulent era.  we need some kind of strategy that can be relied on at the right time OVERVIEW OF NON FUNGIBBLE DEFI (NFD) TOKEN babygirl09  (32) in  #bnb  •  5 hours ago INTRODUCTION Nоn Fungible Defi (NFD) Token іѕ vеrу strong project undеr blockchain technology. I rеаllу lіkе thе concept оf thіѕ project, good idea wіth strong team- Wе wіll support thіѕ project. I actively follow thе news оf thіѕ project аnd I rеаllу lіkе thе format оf communication оf thе team. Thіѕ project wіll occupy а vеrу high quality place іn thе market. There іѕ nо doubt аbоut іt bесаuѕе thе market іѕ аlrеаdу іn а good position. This token іѕ іn thе eyes оf mаnу big investors. This token hаѕ bесоmе а favorite token оf investors аѕ tо whу оr whу thіѕ token wіll nоt bе іn thе public eye. Investors саn benefit а lot frоm thіѕ token.It hаѕ аlrеаdу bееn decided thаt thіѕ token wіll bе listed оn а muсh bеttеr exchanger.The team members hаv...

filipcoin for your life

  We believe in the next life there will be many possibilities.  we can avoid something bad with a mature strategy.  we are here to help or make it easier for you to face the future.  filipcoin is the right solution What is the Philippine ecosystem?  Filipcoin is a new innovation that creates a new economic ecosystem based on Blockchain technology, where the technology acts as the basis for various mobile application services in the public service economy sector, which provides automatic access to developed and fully functional applications for small businesses and entrepreneurs or end users.  .  with additional uses and benefits in the process.  The Filipcoin ecosystem intends to provide maximum functionality with add-ons that gradually integrate mobile economic applications into the Ethereum blockchain, and will demonstrate an innovative approach to profitable and sustainable technical development and management with ease of use.    W...